Just when you think you will burst, just when you wonder if LOA's really do come, just when things appear to be slipping away from your grasp... what happens?? Janell calls and says
"It's here!" These are the words my ears have been straining to hear each and every time my telephone rings. So tomorrow we will sign our LOA and get it sent back to China. They should receive it by Monday July 23rd. Then we wait approximately two weeks for our travel approval(TA)! Then we secure our consulate appointment and book our flights! It looks like we should be receiving our TA very near Sarah's birthday, August 5th. I am a bit sad not to be her mommy by her birthday but I know there must be a divine reason. I can only think that her foster family may need her to be with them for this special day. I will have a lifetime of birthdays to share with Sarah and this will be their last. We are forever grateful for the time, love, and sacrifice they have shown in caring for her and helping her to grow and thrive. Her foster mom has taken a weak and fragile baby and produced a happy, beautiful, thriving child. How can I ever thank her? I will pray the Lord will bless her, comfort her, and send her another child to love when she is ready.